Monday, July 22, 2013


I am on vacation for two weeks!!!!! :) as soon as i got out of work this morning i saw my reminder in my phone for vacation, needless to say, i am excited! Tomorrow i plan to run in the am, and do my daily hiit then its off to Como zoo with the kids and my nephew! 

Today's workout was boring, but at least i did it. Elliptical for an hour and walk pushing Olivia and henry biked 5.5 miles in 1:03:00! 

Today i also did not eat any peanut butter, it was hard but i think i am going to try it for a few weeks and see if it helps my lymphocytic colitis.... We shall see! I need to find other filling foods though because i was hungry for most of the day today while awake..... Suggestions????

Ill leave you with a few pics from the day! 

My favorite flower blooming at our house! 

View from my walk....and finally, my henry riding independently on his new big bike! He was the speedster tonight, i could not ever catch up! Tomorrow am we will see how it goes when i want to run with him biking!?!? 

Good night~katie

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