Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Workout and 2011

Yesterday, Monday i was planning to sleep most of the day and just get in a short work due to having to work on Sunday night from 7p-7a and monday night from 7p-7a but ended up leaving work at 3am because they needed one nurse to go home early! It worked out really well, I slept from 4am-12pm and felt fabulous when I woke up...and amazingly still feel quite wide awake! But, I then went for a run outside (I know...WOW!), amazing for me, because i hate being cold outside when the wind is blowing and I am frozen, I just hate it! Especially when i can just run at the gym where it is nice and warm! But...anyways...I ran i think what was about 8 or 8.5 miles in an hour on slippery/slushy roads in Zumbrota. It was really refreshing and afterwards, despite having legs that were frozen, really felt rejuvenated and I have actually though that maybe today i will go out and run again outdoors...maybe I am delusional at 230 am?!?! but, then I came home and changed into gym clothes and went on the elliptical for an hour and biked for 30 minutes. Biking is like my new favorite thing at the gym. I just wished that they had a more regular bike as opposed to a recumbent bike, because it is an okay workout, but I still feel like a bike where I can stand up and change the resistance is so much better! oh well. No time for weights, but hopefully today i will have a few extra minutes to do some weight exercises.

Lately I have been trying to think of my own goals for 2011. I have read on multiple different blogs their goals/resolutions for 2011 and yet I cannot remember having a new years resolution in many years, so I think I will just make some goals for 2011.

1. Read my devotional book daily, hope that it inspires me to be more connected to God, myself, my kids, my husband and my patients. I love Christian music and I feel very connected when I listen to that music, but I often find that I am too busy to really listen to the words and soak them up. I love it though when i am in the car and I hear a certain songs lyrics and I can immediately feel the tension from me just dissipate. After busy nights at work I love to get in the car, turn on KTIS and hear Chris Rices song Come to Jesus it just makes you realize that if you ever have a problem or blessing you can and should share it with Jesus. So, I would really like to become a better Christian person and mother.

2. Run longer runs once weekly. Possibly start running with others in Zumbrota as a way to do so. I have a hard time running longer runs all by myself, so I would love to run with a few other people but it is hard to find people that run similar times/distances. I may try to start a little running group in Zumbrota-that could follow the path of Team R.E.D. (run, eat, drink) in Byron. I would just love to build a little group of people that once weekly could get together and run and socialize. It might even be a way for Scott and I to get in a little time together if it could work out for him to come too and we could get a babysitter.

3. Complete another triathlon

4. Finish Boston-Enjoy it, live in the moment and really enjoy my time on vacation with my hubby!

5. Lose 8 pounds...sounds crazy but that would put me at my goal weight so I would be happy, it is just hard to lose weight when you run/exercise 2 hours daily because I really do get famished from it all and I really only have extra fat on my abdomen that I want to get rid of, but it is hard to get it off that area after having two kids. oh well, maybe this will be the year!

6. Save 5000.00 not for retirement, just for extra savings. I would like to have a better pile for purchases we want to make and not feel burdened by the extra expense.

7. Continue with school and hope that scott graduates and finds a job in our area for next spring!!!!

8. New kitchen cupboards...this is really one that i am not sure we will be able to afford with Scott in school and student teaching next fall, but I would love to try to make it work. Our kitchen is SO small, that it would be SO helpful to have a bigger kitchen with a bit more cabinetry and a dishwasher integrated somewhere in the design! because with four people there are a lot of dishes and I hate washing dishes ALL of the time.

well, there are my goals for 2011...what are yours?


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Katie. You said you wanted some outdoor running advice. If there's something in particular, please email me. I've got my email on my blog in lots of posts. Anyway, the most important thing it to dress appropriately. I almost always have two layers on everywhere unless it is in the upper 20s and then I'll skip a second layer on my legs. I've got a jacket from Running Room that is very warm and keeps the wind out. I wear a balaclava and hat when it is maybe 15 or below and a neck gaiter and hat when it's 15 to 30. I wear thin gloves with mittens on top, or my "warmest" mittens from Running Room. They're very warm. I also really like the slip-on running spikes when the pavement is not bare. They really do work well, though I've been having trouble with one of them coming off my last few runs. I wear longer socks in winter, not the quarter (ankle length) socks that I wear in summer. In the dark, headlamps are great for letting you see the icy patches. If I didn't cover something, lemme know!
